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Dog Zodiac Signs: What Your Dog's Astrology Says About Them

Have you wondered why your dog acts the way they do? Maybe you should look into your dog's zodiac sign. Check out your dog's strengths, weaknesses and dog parent compatibility below.

Aries | Dog Zodiac Signs | Dog Wellness | PAWS

Aries (March 21-April 19)

Aries is the first sign of the zodiac so it’s no surprise that these pets are born leaders. Male or female, these alphas love action and excitement. They are ambitious, courageous, thrive on being the boss and being first. Mars ruled canines are independent, driven and determined. They may insist on walking you rather than the other way around. They have a mind of their own and don’t necessarily come when they’re called. On the plus side, they have big hearts and a loving spirit that is irresistible and contagious.


  • Tons of energy

  • Love to exercise and be outdoors

  • Fun personality


  • Loves to exercise—even when you don’t

  • Competitive with other dogs

  • Possessive of their owners

Most Compatible Signs:

  • Sagittarius

  • Leo

  • Gemini

Aries Dog Suggestion: With these high energy pups, relaxation support dog treats and tinctures can be helpful to calm them down.

Taurus | Dog Zodiac Signs | Dog Wellness | PAWS

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

You can sum Taurus up in one word: cozy! Born in the spring when the ground is lush and warmed by the sun, they’re sensual, earthy and natural. They are also practical, dependable and hard working with a deep love of nature and beauty. Like their human counterparts, Taurus canines can be stubborn and hate change. Do not move their water or food bowl. They also don’t like exercise but need it; make sure they have a regular routine. They thrive on creature comforts met in a physical environment that is quiet and safe. They have a loving disposition and are extremely loyal.


  • Affectionate

  • Dependable

  • Loves to snuggle


  • Can be lazy

  • Immovable at times

  • Lives to eat

Most Compatible Signs:

  • Cancer

  • Capricorn

  • Pisces

Taurus Dog Suggestion: Since these dogs can be immovable on the way to the groomer and vet, we suggest relaxation support dog treats and tinctures to help calm them down before their appointments.

Gemini | Dog Zodiac Signs | Dog Wellness | PAWS

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

Ruled by mental Mercury, the Gemini sign is associated with communication, information, speaking and media. Gemini dogs are usually vocal. They are always busy and on the move, so they have a lot to bark about. Like their human counterparts, Gemini canines are super smart and highly curious, which can lead to both fun and mischief. Their personality can change from calm to crazy at the drop of a biscuit. But they have a comic quality that is thoroughly charming and will keep you entertained—and on your toes.


  • Curious

  • Smart

  • Loves to play


  • Finicky eater

  • Hates routines

  • Chases cats

Most Compatible Signs:

  • Aries

  • Aquarius

  • Libra

Gemini Dog Suggestion: With these playful pups, relaxation support dog treats and tinctures can be helpful to calm them down.

Cancer | Dog Zodiac Signs | Dog Wellness | PAWS

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Cancer is a water sign, motivated by emotion rather than logic, which makes them sensitive, compassionate and intuitive. Born when the sun is highest, they possess a quiet but intrinsic power and move at their own speed. Cancer canines love their naps and snacks. Because they’re not a fan of exercising, several short walks are better than long hikes. Loud noises are upsetting; they thrive best in safe, cozy surroundings with people they love. Born nurturers, they make good companions to other pets. Best of all, they’re deeply devoted and protective of their human parents.


  • Sweet disposition

  • Make great emotional support pets

  • Affectionate


  • Can put on weight

  • Afraid of thunderstorms

  • Doesn’t travel well

Most Compatible Signs:

  • Taurus

  • Virgo

  • Pisces

Cancer Dog Suggestion: Since these dogs are likely to be afraid of thunderstorms, we suggest relaxation support dog treats and tinctures to help calm them down.


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Leo | Dog Zodiac Signs | Dog Wellness | PAWS

Leo (July 23-August 22)

Leo is the sign of the king, queen, performer and the lion. They are proud beings who are born to rule, born to shine and love being the center of attention. Naturally charismatic, they exude warmth, vitality and power. Leo canines don’t like competition; they prefer being a single dog in a household that worships them and caters to their every need. They also adore being groomed and pampered and look forward to a trip to the doggy spa. Whether out on a hike or strolling through downtown, these celebrity pups will make you look like a star.


  • Demonstrative

  • Entertaining

  • Good health


  • Requires lots of attention

  • Acts like royalty

  • Doesn’t like sharing the spotlight

Most Compatible Signs:

  • Libra

  • Gemini

  • Sagittarius

Leo Dog Suggestion: Since these dogs need a lot of attention, we suggest relaxation support dog treats and tinctures to relax on their own.

Virgo | Dog Zodiac Signs | Dog Wellness | PAWS

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

Virgos get a bad rap. They are said to be critical, obsessive and overly analytical. The truth is they care a great deal and want things to be perfect. They are extremely dedicated and hard-working, with high ideals, great integrity and a love of service. Like Gemini, they are ruled by mind planet Mercury so Virgo pups know how to communicate, with their bark, actions or a serious look. They do best with order and routines: same food, same time of day. They also love being clean and groomed. They make great babysitters for kids and pups alike.


  • Clean

  • Takes direction well

  • Quick learners


  • Picky eater

  • Bossy

  • Doesn’t like to share toys

Most Compatible Signs:

  • Taurus

  • Capricorn

  • Scorpio

Virgo Dog Suggestion: These pups are likely to be pretty anxious. We suggest relaxation support dog treats and tinctures to help calm them down.

Libra | Dog Zodiac Signs | Dog Wellness | PAWS

Libra (September 23-October 22)

Ruled by romantic Venus, Libra is the sign of love and marriage. Their goal is to create harmony, beauty and tranquility, so it’s no surprise this sign is associated with the artist, lover and the diplomate. They are known for their charm and have the gift of sensing what others need. Venus-ruled canines have appealing personalities and are deeply attached to other pets and humans. They prefer company rather than being alone and often like to follow their humans around. They’re uncomfortable in a stressful or chaotic environment and value peace and quiet over action and adventure.


  • Calming presence

  • Social

  • Exceptionally good looking


  • Overly attached

  • Easily frightened

  • Doesn’t like to be alone

Most Compatible Signs:

  • Leo

  • Gemini

  • Aquarius

Libra Dog Suggestion: Since these dogs are likely to be overly attached, we suggest relaxation support dog treats and tinctures to help calm them down their separation anxiety.

Scorpio | Dog Zodiac Signs | Dog Wellness | PAWS

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)

Scorpio is a much-misunderstood sign. They’re known for being sexy and mysterious—which is often true, but it’s really about intensity with this sign. Scorpios know that life is tenuous and live more passionately as a result. They are the shamans and psychologists of the zodiac, exploring deep subjects, living on the edge. Like Scorpio humans, Scorpio canines are private, make serious eye contact and seem to be able to read your thoughts. They love being loyal to one person. It takes them a while to build trust, but when they do, you have a friend and ally for life.


  • Independent

  • Devoted

  • Magnetic personality


  • Can be anti-social

  • Doesn’t forgive easily

  • Hides in places where you can’t find them

Most Compatible Signs:

  • Cancer

  • Capricorn

  • Pisces

Scorpio Dog Suggestion: These pups aren't very social. We suggest relaxation support dog treats and tinctures to help ease them into new or social environments.

Sagittarius | Dog Zodiac Signs | Dog Wellness | PAWS

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)

Sagittarius is the symbol of the traveler, the philosopher and the student. They may not know the meaning of life, but they know life has a meaning and are on a quest to find it. For them, life is a daring adventure. They are known for their big dreams, big personalities and a love of travel. Sagittarius canines need room to roam and can feel anxious when they’re forced to stay indoors. They are happiest being outside as much as possible. They have colorful and comical personalities and are friendly (both with people and pets), and make superb traveling companions.


  • Healthy

  • Great on road trips

  • Vivacious personality


  • Love to wander off alone

  • Easily bored

  • Impulsive

Most Compatible Signs:

  • Aries

  • Leo

  • Aquarius

Sagittarius Dog Suggestion: Since these pups are likely to get bored, they are also likely to get into trouble when they are. We suggest relaxation support dog treats and tinctures to help calm them down when you're away.

Capricorn | Dog Zodiac Signs | Dog Wellness | PAWS

Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

Capricorns are associated with responsibility, authority and power. Ruled by serious Saturn, this sign is known for its drive, determination and strong work ethic. Their symbol is the mountain goat; they have ambitious goals and are not afraid to work hard to climb to the top. Cap pooches aren’t lazy. In fact, they come alive when they have an opportunity to learn a new task or skill. They follow orders and love to complete their duties. They’re great guard dogs and babysitters; they’ll even keep other pets and family members in line.


  • Steady personality

  • Predictable

  • Protective


  • Bored when not busy

  • Can be pushy

  • Moves slowly

Most Compatible Signs:

  • Taurus

  • Virgo

  • Scorpio

Capricorn Dog Suggestion: Since these pups are likely to get bored, they are also likely to get into trouble when they are. We suggest relaxation support dog treats and tinctures to help calm them down when you're away.

Aquarius | Dog Zodiac Signs | Dog Wellness | PAWS

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

Aquarius is the sign of the rebel and the non-conformist. These individuals are smart as a whip, stubborn, rational and eccentric. Aquarius people and pets alike march to their own beat and make their own rules. Governed by eccentric Uranus, they can be unpredictable at times. They love change and hate being bored. Aquarian canines are always ready for a new toy, trick or getaway. They may not be warm and cuddly, but they’re extremely social and outgoing with people and other pets. In fact, no one makes a better or more loyal friend than these zany canines.


  • Outgoing

  • Highly intelligent

  • Loves new things and people


  • Lots of nervous energy

  • Doesn’t always obey orders

  • Needs stimulation

Most Compatible Signs:

  • Gemini

  • Libra

  • Sagittarius

Aquarius Dog Suggestion: Since these pups are likely have a lot of nervous energy, we suggest relaxation support dog treats and tinctures to help calm them down.

Pisces | Dog Zodiac Signs | Dog Wellness | PAWS

Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Ruled by inspirational Neptune, Pisces governs the invisible and the unseen world of inspiration and imagination. These are the dreamers, mystics and musicians of the zodiac. Deeply sensitive and highly intuitive, they need space and quiet. Pisces canines are gentle souls—kind and caring to a fault. They love being close to their humans, sometimes even following them around and sleeping under the covers. They also sense your moods which is why they make excellent therapy dogs. Dozing in a sunny spot with some easy listening music is their happy place.


  • Loving disposition

  • Quiet

  • Good with other pets


  • Highly sensitive

  • Overly attached

  • Can be lethargic

Most Compatible Signs:

  • Taurus

  • Cancer

  • Capricorn

Pisces Dog Suggestion: Since these dogs are likely to be overly attached, we suggest relaxation support dog treats and tinctures to help calm them down their separation anxiety.

Resource: CHEWY


About PAWS: Peace and Wellness for Dogs

Our mission is to help both the dog parent and the dog to experience peace and wellness. Our natural treats and tinctures promote relaxation in anxious dogs. We are dedicated to providing safe and natural products that soothe and calm our furry family members - not only promoting their physical well-being, but also their harmony and tranquility.

We understand that the well-being of dogs and their parents are intrinsically linked. Our commitment extends beyond crafting exceptional products for dogs; it encompasses a holistic approach to fostering the health and happiness of both dogs and dog parents.


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